Doliio - The Robotic Social Media Caretaker
Have you ever considered handing over custody of your social media pages to somebody else for a while, just to get a break from it, or even simply to find out what would happen? Well, I have, many times, but of all the people I know, the ones who would willingly do such a thing are nowhere near trustworthy enough to be viable candidates. It appears that now there's a solution that may have sidestepped that risk - you can use a robot.

Called Doliio, the idea is that you 'connect' with it, and then it learns about you and your habits. Once it has a good enough idea on the world, you can use it like an automated understudy, taking care of all the social media drudgery you can't be bothered with. At the end of each day, you get given a report with a rundown of all the things Doliio has done on your behalf.

It's supposed to be a means of saving you time, as so many cumulative hours of our lives are already wiled away scrolling through news feeds in search of something worth liking, but can you really trust your social media pages to an automaton?

It seems to largely depend on what kind of personality you want to broadcast. If you don't have any patience for the menial tasks of birthday wishes, post liking and congratulating people on their wedding/baby/new house/new car/first year of sobriety, you probably won't want an automated service doing that on your behalf.

Supposedly, this runs deeper than that. It pays attention to the frequency of your posting, commenting and liking and attempts to replicate it, but will also take measures to imitate your mannerisms and ticks. Say, for example, someone goes by one name on Facebook, but you call them something else in messages, Doliio will do the same. That's actually pretty impressive.

One imagines that, with a little more time, this kind of thing will be fairly commonplace. Many celebrities already sell their fan pages off to spambots, or just employ people to manage their accounts on their behalf, but for the rest of us, stuff like this provides a far more realistic, viable option. Of course, it could usher in some bizarre future where all our accounts are just run by bots constantly and we log in once a week to read through the conversations we pretended to have with our pretend friends, and isn't that just one massive great social commentary.

Callum is a film school graduate who is now making a name for himself as a journalist and content writer. His vices include flat whites and 90s hip-hop. Follow him @Songbird_Callum

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Doliio - The Robotic Social Media Caretaker Doliio - The Robotic Social Media Caretaker Reviewed by toone on 02.02 Rating: 5

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